99.9% of IT companies faced remote working during the pandemic.
So, today we will advise you how to keep working near the kitchen with home cookies, a stuffed cat, a sofa, and kids.
First, give yourself a workspace
Even a small corner only with your laptop, a work diary, a mouse, a photo of your Granny — everything you need to work.
Start the day fresh and in an office look
It is extremely difficult to work in pajamas. Your brain will think that you are getting ready to watch TV shows before going to bed.
Make a desk “Mommy/Daddy at work! Don’t bother me, please”
Explain to other “colleagues” that you need a private space without dishes, toys, and a makeup bag.
Talk to your boss about your new work schedule
If you are more comfortable working from 6:00 to 9:00 a.m. while the kids are asleep or from 9:00 to 00:00 p.m., ask to shift your work hours or break them up.
Respect borders
If you start working everywhere, your “coworkers” will not understand you. Work in the work area, and rest in other places.
Use technologies
Do you want documents without drawings? Transfer everything to the cloud. Create a holder for the phone or iPad at enough height. Use wire protectors.
Consider a working system
Create folders for different projects: under consideration, in progress, for the near future, for put off. So, you will not collect the paper mountains on the desk.
Be creative
It is not necessary to buy new shelves and bureaus. Use old cardboard boxes for documents, children’s drawing boards for planning, coffee cans as holders for pens.
Keep it tidy
Order in the workplace means order in the mind. And the opportunity to have a peaceful video call with the boss.
We at SweetSoft are sure that the most important thing is the mindset. Do not get discouraged. It is worth considering the pros of a home office. You can have interesting breaks playing with kids or hugging the cat, eating home-cooked meals, and even working in shorts if you really want it.